Either share your current location, or enter the address, city and state, or zip code to find free air near you.
Please note that this list of places is user-generated, and by no means should be considered definitive. Help us expand this map by submitting new locations, or by pointing to us any errors if you find them.
indicates either a bike repair station or bike air pump
indicates free air for autos
Do you offer free air? Click here to list your shop.
Please feel free to submit locations in CA and CT!
Didn't find a place that offers free air in the map above?
Here are a few places you might want to check out: Generally, free air is offered in most tire shops, car repair stations and bike shops.
Also, these gas station chains and tire shops are known to offer air for free, but we can't guarantee that for all their shops:
Gas stations- Casey's
- Co-op
- Family Express
- Getgo
- Hy-vee
- Kroger
- Kum&Go
- KwikTrip
- Pilot truck stop
- QuickChek
- QuickTrip
- Sheetz
- Stewart's Shop
- Wawa
- Belle Tire
- Discount Tire Store
- Les Schwab Tires
- Mavis Discount