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According to the EU Directive 2000/60 (Water Framework Directive – WFD) full cost recovery of the water provided to the consumers is foreseen, as a means to curb unnecessary demand. However, water is a social good, too, and an increase of its price beyond a certain limit would be socially unacceptable, especially in times of financial crisis.
A significant part of domestic water is consumed for secondary uses, which do not require potable water quality. It would serve the spirit of WFD, to meet this demand with local water resources of inferior to potable, but still suitable, quality. Especially since treatment of raw water to potable water quality requires high energy input and addition of chemicals that add to the environmental impact.
GREEN PUMP aims to optimize the exploitation of shallow aquifers, found in urban areas, first for secondary water uses, such as toilets and gardening, and then for heating purposes, while at the same time protecting basements of public buildings from flooding.
A novel method will be shown that can be used to reduce unnecessary public works due to high network load, decrease the environmental impact of water/energy use in public buildings and, on the long run, save money.
Our approach consists of the following:

  1. Elaboration of criteria for site selection (groundwater quality, aquifer depth, vicinity to prospective users, flooding risk, etc.).
  2. Study of technical implementation details to existing and new buildings and cost estimation.
  3. Complete study of installations of several such systems in many areas of Greece.
  4. Construction of one complete pilot installation in Thessaloniki, Greece, and secondary water use ones in Blagoevgrad and Petrich, Bulgaria, and Pylaia, Greece.
  5. Elaboration of monitoring program for such systems and monitoring of the pilot systems.
  6. Evaluation of the environmental and social benefits. Optimization of the design per user needs.
  7. Policy document on the simplification of legal procedures.


This webpage has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the webpage are sole responsibility of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat.

Project:"Groundwater REsource managemENt for non-Potable water pUrposes, baseMent protection, and heating - Pilot application", with the abbreviation "GREENPUMP", funded under the program of cooperation INTERREG V-A " Greece-Bulgaria, 2014-2020"