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Flotec FPDMP21SA-P2 Self Priming Drill Pump

Model: FPDMP21SA-P2
Walmart # 551846758
Average Rating:out of 5 stars
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Arrives by Wed, Sep 8

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Sold & shipped byToolboxsupply
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The Parts2o Drill Pump is ideal for repairs and home improvement projects. It pumps up to 240 gallons per hour, offering a reliable performance. This self priming drill pump is specially constructed to connect to a variety of electric drills. It also features an inlet and discharge for easy connection to a standard garden hose. This Flotec FPDMP21SA P2 can be used for unblocking sinks, emptying aquariums or water beds and emergency pumping, making it a handy addition to a home. It has a slim size that's easy to store when not being used. It's made with a blend of quality parts that can handle pumping smoothly. This tool can make a handy gift option for a friend who does a lot of home projects. The parts are clearly labeled, making it simple to use. The Parts2o Drill Pump can be used for emergency needs as well as daily projects.

About This Item

We aim to show you accurate product information. Manufacturers, suppliers and others provide what you see here, and we have not verified it.
The Parts2o Drill Pump is ideal for repairs and home improvement projects. It pumps up to 240 gallons per hour, offering a reliable performance. This self priming drill pump is specially constructed to connect to a variety of electric drills. It also features an inlet and discharge for easy connection to a standard garden hose. This Flotec FPDMP21SA P2 can be used for unblocking sinks, emptying aquariums or water beds and emergency pumping, making it a handy addition to a home. It has a slim size that's easy to store when not being used. It's made with a blend of quality parts that can handle pumping smoothly. This tool can make a handy gift option for a friend who does a lot of home projects. The parts are clearly labeled, making it simple to use. The Parts2o Drill Pump can be used for emergency needs as well as daily projects.
Flotec FPDMP21SA-P2 Self-Priming Drill Pump:

  • Pumps up to 240 gals an hour
  • Self-priming pump
  • Chucks into any electric drill
  • Self priming drill pump has an inlet and discharge for standard garden hose
  • Empty stopped-up sinks and appliances, change oil in cars and boats, empty aquariums, water beds and emergency pumping
  • Performance based upon .25" drill speed
  • Carded electric drill pump


proposition 65 reasons:titanium dioxide, other chemicals

WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer andbirth defects or other reproductive harm.


Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H)
4.20 x 3.80 x 4.00 Inches

Customer reviews & ratings

Average Rating:(3.1)out of 5 stars
58%Recommended(10 of 17)
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
Most helpful positive review
11 customers found this helpful
Average Rating:(5.0)out of 5 stars
It worked as expected.
I used this pump to assist in cleaning my aquarium. It worked fine. I did follow the instructions and used a regular household cooking oil to lubricate the pump before using it.
Most helpful negative review
2 customers found this helpful
Average Rating:(1.0)out of 5 stars
Poor quality product.
I had some intial problems so I put it in a sink full of water to make sure it worked. Seemed to work OK so I hooked it up to a hose and after 10- 15 seconds a little puff of smoke came out the outlet. I took it back to the sink and it wouldn't work. Very disappointed with this product and am returning it.
Most helpful positive review
11 customers found this helpful
Average Rating:(5.0)out of 5 stars
It worked as expected.
I used this pump to assist in cleaning my aquarium. It worked fine. I did follow the instructions and used a regular household cooking oil to lubricate the pump before using it.
Most helpful negative review
2 customers found this helpful
Average Rating:(1.0)out of 5 stars
Poor quality product.
I had some intial problems so I put it in a sink full of water to make sure it worked. Seemed to work OK so I hooked it up to a hose and after 10- 15 seconds a little puff of smoke came out the outlet. I took it back to the sink and it wouldn't work. Very disappointed with this product and am returning it.
I used this pump to assist in cleaning my aquarium. It worked fine. I did follow the instructions and used a regular household cooking oil to lubricate the pump before using it.
I had some intial problems so I put it in a sink full of water to make sure it worked. Seemed to work OK so I hooked it up to a hose and after 10- 15 seconds a little puff of smoke came out the outlet. I took it back to the sink and it wouldn't work. Very disappointed with this product and am returning it.

Frequent mentions

1-10 of 23 reviews
Average Rating:(5.0)out of 5 stars

It worked as expected.

Verified purchase

I used this pump to assist in cleaning my aquarium. It worked fine. I did follow the instructions and used a regular household cooking oil to lubricate the pump before using it.

Average Rating:(5.0)out of 5 stars


Verified purchase

It worked perfect.

Average Rating:(5.0)out of 5 stars


Verified purchase

works good

Average Rating:(5.0)out of 5 stars

Nice littlt pump

Bought this to pump out my home heating 275 gal. oil tank. I bought 2 garden hose to 5/8" adapters and 25-30 ft of neoprene hose. Shoved the hose into the tank and the little pump worked perfect.

Average Rating:(5.0)out of 5 stars

Working good

Verified purchase

Easy to use

Average Rating:(4.0)out of 5 stars

pump works great

Verified purchase

I ordered this pump, and it works great. my drill motor got warm but it did the job and I did prep and after the pump with a few drops of mineral oil, as suggested.

Average Rating:(4.0)out of 5 stars


Verified purchase

Works fine but, the amount it pumps is slow. Still pumps and worked for my needs, just can't be in a hurry.

Average Rating:(4.0)out of 5 stars

My "Friends" Love them

Verified purchase

It must be good. In the last 6 months I've had 4 "Friends" borrow mine and never got any of them back.

Average Rating:(1.0)out of 5 stars

Poor quality product.

Verified purchase

I had some intial problems so I put it in a sink full of water to make sure it worked. Seemed to work OK so I hooked it up to a hose and after 10- 15 seconds a little puff of smoke came out the outlet. I took it back to the sink and it wouldn't work. Very disappointed with this product and am returning it.

Average Rating:(1.0)out of 5 stars

Doesn't work

Verified purchase

Didn't work, plain and simple.


Customer Q&A

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1-3 of 4 questions
by davoMay 16, 2013

1. I ran it at 2,000 rpm and would not exceed 10% more do to the fact 1200 rpm is min.
by zjer
1 Answer
Last answer: July 29, 2013

by fredApril 20, 2015

0 Answers

by fredApril 20, 2015

0 Answers

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